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Origin labelling

Origin labelling

Origin labelling

Being completely transparent to one’s customer ensures quality and food safety. The EU has introduced legislation that mandates indication of sheep meat origin or place of providence. The regulation requires food business operators, including processors, retailers and butcher shops, to ensure that country of origin label information is clearly displayed on pre-packed lamb products at the point of purchase. This enables consumers to trace back through the production chain to the farm of origin, granting full transparency to the consumer. Ireland has one of the most comprehensive lamb traceability system in Europe, regulated by the National Sheep Identification System (NSIS), monitored and controlled by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. This system ensures that all sheep presented for slaughter are tagged with documented movement certification and flock register records, maintained by both the processor and farmer. With full traceability guaranteed, European lamb from Ireland offers a level of food safety assurance that few can match.

EU legislation traceability

EU legislation traceability

EU legislation traceability

When it comes to food, consumer’s health and safety, the EU makes no compromises. EU legislation on the traceability of sheep is based on the principle of individual animal identification with the overall objective being to ensure food safety.
Consumers around the world rightly demand the highest assurances from their food producers and Ireland has been to the fore in satisfying their desires.

Traceability in Ireland

Traceability in Ireland

The National Sheep Identification System ensures Ireland has full traceability for all sheep on an individual basis through the individual tagging of every lamb born, and the recording of all their movements through the supply chain. With full traceability guaranteed, Irish lamb offers a level of food safety assurance that few can match. The introduction of electronic identification (EID) of sheep in more recent times adds another element to an already robust system of traceability for consumers of Irish lamb.

EU regulation 21/2004 establishes a regime of individual traceability of sheep by means of:

  • Individual animal identification with 1 ear tags
  • Flock register maintained on farm
  • Movement document to accompany animals when moved off farm
  • Recording of ear tags onto a computerised data base at point of slaughter

Through a system of bar codes, individual processing plants are able to trace the finished product along the production chain to the farm of origin.

This system of identification & traceability allows the consumer to have absolute confidence in sheep meat products originating within the EU.

Traceability in Ireland

EU Beef Market

EU beef production is underpinned by strict EU food safety legislation that is recognised as the most stringent worldwide. The ‘European Beef and Lamb – Ireland, Working with Nature’ campaign is a joint initiative between the European Commission and Ireland, an EU member state. Ireland, who is leading this campaign, is the largest net beef exporter in the northern hemisphere and exports high quality, premium beef and lamb around the world.