From Pasture to Plate

Lamb processing is a localised activity, with farms typically within a 50km radius of the plants they serve. This means transport is efficient and highly controlled, and stress minimised on animals. This is an important consideration for both animal welfare and for the final quality of the meat. Lamb carcasses are graded to the EUROP standard, an evaluation that takes into account muscle and fat content of the meat. Further cutting and boning then takes place according to the specifications of retailers and food service clients, so that the final products meet the demands of their consumers. All lamb processing plants and abattoirs in Ireland are monitored by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with on-site veterinary inspection and regular auditing, by a range of independent parties, to ensure all Irish and EU standards are fully met. Bord Bia – the Irish Food Board supports the industry with promotions, educating consumers, at point-of-sale, on the unique values of Quality Assured Irish lamb.